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The Senate issued a ruling on medicinal cannabis and tomorrow would make it law

In the commission, the senators gave the endorsement to the project that regulates the medical investigation of the medicinal use of the plant of cannabis. The initiative does not
allow self-cultivation.
The Senate today advanced with the signing of the ruling for the bill that regulates medical research on the medicinal use of the cannabis plant and could make it into law in its morning session. weed for sale online

The Health, Science and Technology and Budget and Finance commissions signed the opinion for the initiative, which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in November last year, and left it a step away from becoming law.
After the unanimous endorsement, he received in the commission's, where he heard the opinion of doctors specializes in neurosciences and groups that support the medicinal use of the marijuana strain plant, the Senate decided to discuss it on tablets in the session on Wednesday.
Although the project does not allow self-cultivation (which was a request from parents who use cannabis oil to alleviate the neurological suffering of their children), it was supported by all the speakers and, consequently, by the senators. legal weed online

During the committee meeting on Tuesday, Silvia Kochen, a neuroscience specialist at CONICET, stressed that "worldwide use of medical cannabis is legal" and highlighted the results of its use, especially in patients suffering from epilepsy.
"What we observe in 45% of patients who use it is that they respond to cannabis by decreasing the frequency of seizures and adverse effects are minimal. It is not the panacea but it is not that it is not useful at all remarcó.
Marcelo Morante, a physician at the Institute of Neurosciences in La Plata, said that if the law was approved "the State will generate quality cannabis oil for the treatments" and, although it considered that "solidarity cultivation should be contemplated although Whether through a registry, "said the approval of the initiative would be" something big.
Mariana Quiroga, the representative of the Mama Cultiva group, reported that mothers whose children need cannabis oil grow their own plants but that "the state is present to repress those who grow cannabis for any purpose.
Cannabis oil is not just for epilepsy but for many other pathologies. It is the best medicine we have found for our children for years, "added Quiroga.
Meanwhile, Ana Garcia, a referent of cancer groups, said that the medicinal use of the plant "is hope for families" because "children who completed treatment with medicinal cannabis improved their quality of life. buy real weed online cheap

Another of the exhibitors was Martin Sívori, respiratory medicine specialist at Ramos Mejía Hospital and father of a child suffering from a cerebral malformation that causes epileptic seizures.
Sívori said that for several years he used traditional medicine without results and that with cannabis oil his son began to improve his son, but warned: "There is little evidence on the effect of medicinal cannabis because marijuana strains illegal.

After the presentations, Senators Silvia Elías de Pérez (Cambiemos), Jaime Linares (GEN) and Juan Manuel Abal Medina (PJ-FPV) proposed to the rest of the senators who make up the commissions that the opinion for the project was signed in this Opportunity, which was accepted by all present.


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